Deadline Approaching: April 18th is the Last Day to File Taxes

Still haven’t filed your taxes yet? Time is running out! Monday, April 18th is the last day to file taxes for 2015.

Why the later date? The Capitol will be celebrating Emancipation Day on April 15th, giving you three extra days to get those pesky returns over to the IRS.

Estimated tax payments are also due on April 18th.

If you need some more time to get your tax information in order, you have the option to file for an extension. While filing for an extension gives you more time to prepare, it does not exempt you from paying taxes if you owe them.  All taxes owed must be paid on April 18th. Those who do not file their taxes and don’t file for an extension are subject to late payment penalties in addition to taxes owed.

Paragon Accountants still has appointment spots available,  so if you’ve procrastinated this year, be sure to give us a call ASAP!