Five Ways Small Businesses Can Make a Big Impact During the Pandemic

During this scary and uncertain time, it can often be hard to find inspiration or know how to be of service. Worrying about finances, school, work, and our families can take a toll on our mental health. But one of the most impactful and uplifting things we can do during tough times is help others. Paragon Accountants is here to share inspiring ideas that you as a business owner can use to assist the community!

Here are five ways you can make a big difference:

  1. Share what you know. One of the most valuable tools we have as business owners is knowledge. Help out other businesses in crisis by sharing your tricks of the trade. Offer advice or consulting, send out an email or post a blog on your webpage to spread the word. Everyone can use a helping hand, and who knows – maybe you’ll be met with some useful advice in return! Take a look at Paragon Accountant’s blog for a plethora of business, individual, and tax advice.
  2. Go online. Now is the time to flex those digital muscles! Hop online and host a webinar, connect with other business owners via Zoom or Google Hangouts and swap stories. Lead a virtual class and teach your followers something new. Before you know it, you’ll be growing your audience and making major connections. What’s better than that?
  3. Link up – literally. Sharing links to government services offering relief is a great way to help right now. Use your social media channels to link to government entities and funding sources, like the SBA.
  4. Reach out remotely. If your staff has made the switch to remote work, find ways to continue to connect with your employees and let them know they’re appreciated. This can be as small as a heartfelt email, or a custom care package.
  5. Get innovative. When our “new normal” arrives, you’ll want to make the transition as seamless as possible. Start outlining a business plan, consider what might need to change about your offerings or your company model. How can you best service your clients and your staff during the transition?

These are just a few ideas for paying it forward during the pandemic, and we’d love to hear how you’ve been supporting each other over the past few months. Share your ideas with us via email or in the comments. We’re all in this together!

Be sure to connect with Paragon on social and sign up for our emails so we can continue to be of service to you in any way we can.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay informed.